Click Here to submit your yearly membership to the Main Street Merchants!
If you’re opening your business in the last quarter of the year (September through December) we invite you to join with no fee’s, provided you join for the year ahead! We invite businesses to join, as well as individuals who are interested in partnering with us or volunteering at our events! We are a 100% volunteer run organization, our board is not paid, nor do we have a paid executive director! We fund raise for every dollar we’ve got!
The reasons are endless! Why woudn’t you want to be connected to an active group of “do-ers”!?
We have board positions open as well.
Board members are expected to make 75% of board meetings, and 50% of member meetings, at minimum. Board meets on the 3rd Wed of the month, 8:30am at Lower Forge & the members meet on the first Wed of the month, at varying locations